April 19, 2011

the long self-anticipated blog post

On December 12,2010 I turned 18. EIGHTEEN. From that day on, I was viewed by the United States of America government as an "adult". I had wanted to journal every day to keep tabs on every day of my adult life till I died. (well, when I died, someone would have to write into my journal- I DIED.) But I have not journaled every day of my adult life and honestly, I dont think I ever will. I wish I did.
However, I have kept up with my twitter account. (quick note- some people who are reading maybe thinking- "umm...why does she tweet but she deactivated her facebook? how hypocritical!" Rest assured, I will post my reasons of deactivating my facebook in essay form. Coming to a blog post SOON!) Twitter is actually really fun. I can express my thoughts, emotions, share a quote and not have a list of comments below that I have to keep with. Along with that, I get to see whats going on in some people's lives. Oh yea, and I get a laugh out of Lord Voldemort's tweets and appreciate John Piper's thought provoking tweets...Lecrae is cool too. Well, all that to say... I am finally on it. I am finally blogging. A hurdle I had to overcome before blogging was not being sure to make a blog super personal or make a blog dedicated to updates. With experience from Twitter, I have figured out I can do BOTH and more! a little of this, a little of that. Basically, I write here as if I had an audience. I assume that one day all this well-written blog will be published into a book. *PSYCH*

This is only the beginning. (If this was audio, you would hear a deep, dramatic manly voice.)

Basically, I'll write. and write. and write.
If you read, then good for you! I recommend a cup of coffee, a sense of humour, and an ear for "i really dont feel like correcting my grammar" kind of writing.
I hope to improve as a writer. But also have something to look back on.
Which is the biggest reward of Journaling, Twittering, Blogging. It's like keeping track of your history and you get to look back on it.


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