November 19, 2013

Happy 50th Birthday Mum!!!

At the first of the month, this lovely lady reached half a century. What a champ.

I'm sad you’re on the other side of the world Mum, but when you return- we shall par-tay.

Handel's Messiah, Davies Symphony Hall, 2012

Back when I was nine up until I was about fifteen, I would hand-make birthday cards for my family. It included a heartfelt limerick, telling why I thought this person was special and expressing my thankfulness for their existence, and of course, merriment for their birthday. I don’t remember consciously saying to myself “I will no longer do this” but for some reason (getting older and being too busy), I stopped. Sad really. Because even though my poems were a little cheesy, it was meaningful. So I will consciously say now, “ I will start doing this again”. I will start writing more meaningful letters and cards and emails. (once soon coming your way...maybe...)

A few weeks ago, I attended a retreat in which we studied the Psalms and poetry. We were encouraged to write and share our poems. Even though my poem was terrible (not very poetic), the exercise rekindled my love and joy for writing poems. Here goes one for Mom's 50th Birthday...!!!

She Turned Fifty

She's the one I can always talk to
She's always has a second to spare
She jokes about being third wheel
Her four letter word is " I don't give a CARE"

She turned Fifty
That's pretty nifty
And quite the feat
Fighting hard, for so long
Never falling to defeat

She loves to bless others
When her cup overflows
And when it is not bountiful
Her thoughtfulness still shows

She turned Fifty
That's pretty nifty
And quite the feat
In the midst of  chaos
She's still calm and neat

She taught me to be straightforward
"No one wants to hear your excuses or complaints"
"Stand your ground, don't let people sway you"
For she was sure I would crumble and wane

"Get to the point" and "Have some class"
She would always say
Striving for truth and efficiency
In the most ladylike way

She turned Fifty
That's pretty nifty
And quite the feat
Teaching us lessons and hoped those mistakes 
We would never repeat

She knows how to have a good laugh
For hers is easy to distinguish
It is one that neither trial or pain
Can ever diminish

She turned Fifty
That's pretty nifty
And quite the feat
Always prepared for the obstacles
Along the road we might meet

She is humble and strong
She is bold yet tender
A shoulder to cry on
Her hug is truly a render

Despite criticism and gossip
She had courage to do what was right
At the foot of the cross, praying to Him 
For patience, wisdom, and might

She turned Fifty
That's pretty nifty
And quite the feat
We will soon properly celebrate
It will be quite the treat

I Love my Mum.


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