May 24, 2011

ahhh!!!!!!! Today, I'm going in for my FIRST hair cut in THREE years. Yes, some dead ends have been trimmed off and I maybe have taken the liberty of "layering" (read- cut randomly hoping it turns out nice) a few times...but TODAY, will be in a SALON! I'm sooooo excited =D I've really prayed about this and had some heart to heart with God about it. 
Basically, my image is a big deal to me (haha) and my hair plays a HUGE role in how I look. I'm always very scared when someone is cutting my hair. 80% of the time, I really not OK with how it turned out. Also because my hair is SOOOOOOOo thick, it's just a daunting task overall. I had a great consultation yesterday, with my hairdresser (whaaa? she has a hair dresser? haha)  and I was really excited. He was very straight forward and knew exactly what he was talking about. We went over texture, length, straight curly, layers, oh it was just wonderful.
This is a huge step for me. and while some may think this is funny, it's just one of the most stressful things. I'm just axious. BUT, I know "Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Phillpians 4:6
It's a BIIIIIIIIGGG step for me! 

so layers, bangs, and thinned out hair, here I come. 

I know that however this will turn out, it'll be God's will. Yes, I'm learning to give stuff even like my hair cut to God! =D 

I'm considering even praying over my hairdressers's hair....too much? haha 

May 23, 2011

Good Morning

Good Morning George,
How are you?
I hope you're feeling fine!
I'd love to stay and talk but it's almost 8 o'clock
And I havent got the time!
-Good Morning George, VeggieTales

May 11, 2011

sweetly broken

at the cross You beckon me
you draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I’m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered

May 10, 2011

Pity Party

Last nite I had a short pity party...via text. so dont get all excited if I didnt invite you. it only lasted for two hours and only one person complained as much as me. But it was one of those moments where I just felt like telling someone how mad I was and I was basically willing to listen to almost ANYONE (who I love) complain. yup. last nite was your chance. not right now. last nite. all that to say, it ended on a happy note. I was graciously reminded by my fellow complainers that we are loved by God and He allowed everything happen.

I'm not gona plan on having a pity party every month, but it is just nice once in a while. and I was laughing the whole time. yea. weird.

May 5, 2011


And force us into a goodbye
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name

Long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
I was screaming, long live the look on your face
And bring on all the pretenders, one day we will be remembered

-Long Live,Taylor Swift

really? seriously?

So AT&T decides to CAP internet usage? What ?!!?!?!??!!??!???!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!??!?!?!!??!?!?!? I get the whole CAP Gigbytes on PHONE but HOME service? really?

and customer feed back? really...some people really think that others should pay more for internet? which customers are YOU talking to? because any customer in their right mind is NOT thinking about how another person should be paying more internet, they are SITTING in FRONT of their SCREEN surfing away.

According to the article, the average household uses 15GB. that's a LOT. But still. really? now we have to keep track of another thing?

May 4, 2011



I am extremely blesssed. 

May 3, 2011

I embark in the study journey with pasta,salad, and wine. *psych*

Warm sun shinning in the courtyard.
Lunch. I felt like I was in EAT PRAY LOVE.
Biology and Wall Street Journal. I felt like I was a student again.

How pleasant is the life I lead. 

Lamborghini Aventador


Brand New Month

 I love the beginning of the week. I love the beginning of the month. It is always a new brand new start! It's quite refreshing. I have set new goals for this month and I'm really excited to see what God has for me. I am really pushing myself this month academically, physically, mentally, spiritually,'s like getting out of re-hab and trying it all over again. I'm ready. BRING IT MAY =D 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.- Philippians 4:13

Rendezvous With You

leave it to Julian Smith to "sing" (and I use that word oh-so-loosely) about having kids in wedlock. haha. Thank God for this guy. 

and I recommend viewing this in FULL screen baby. 

May 1, 2011

a lovely Sunday

Today was a day witnessing God working in a broken- girl’s heart.
Julia was incredible today. She was obedient, kind, and played very well with the other girls all day. I am just so happy. And I stand in awe at her growth. Today is also the second day she prayed with her own words (instead of singing her prayer) “Dear God, thank you for giving me a bed. Thank you for giving me stuff. .. And something else.”

I saw family friends who are truly just family.  My time with them lifted my heart and encouraged me greatly. I love how God keeps blessing me over and over again.

My wonderful accountability partner, Heather, gave me books for SAT prepping. Joy. I say that with dread but deep down, I’m really excited to embark on this journey. College prep- something I avoided for MANY reasons (one- I didn’t wana do that whole SAT/ACT thing. Lame. I know. I KNOW!) but God is really calling me to this. And I am just blessed to have people who are and will be guiding me along the way.
I also believe that I emotionally ready to start academic learning again. I am emotionally read to embark on this journey…something I was not ready to do 2 years…not cause I was stupid. Haha. I was traumatized. Something I am only realizing now. It’s scary how you can hide things from yourselves. (which is why we all need accountability partners and godly counselors.) The reasons  of many choices I made are now coming to light. I think if I went to a psychologist, I would have been diagnosed with some sort of disorder and maybe even put on medication! Thank God for His grace and mercy upon me. He is what I needed and will always need. He is healing me right now. And while I am still healing, I feel I have been healed a LOT already- one proff-my academic integrity is coming back. Praise be to God!

Heather and I also spent some time giving praises to God! Oh just how good He is.

We are better off than we deserve.

I had an amazing day.

Two songs I found today-

Georgia by Michael Buble. The choir my brother is in ( has sung this song numerous times oh so beautifully. I prefer their version over Buble’s. Buble still does manage to melt my heart.

L'APPUNTAMENTO by Andre Boscelli- I have no idea what he is talking about. He could be reading a phone book for all I know… but the words are so beautiful and soft. The music is just calming and makes me smile.


ps- I spent yesterday organizing the boys book shelves and draws. quite a job. I loved every moment of it. haha.