May 24, 2011

ahhh!!!!!!! Today, I'm going in for my FIRST hair cut in THREE years. Yes, some dead ends have been trimmed off and I maybe have taken the liberty of "layering" (read- cut randomly hoping it turns out nice) a few times...but TODAY, will be in a SALON! I'm sooooo excited =D I've really prayed about this and had some heart to heart with God about it. 
Basically, my image is a big deal to me (haha) and my hair plays a HUGE role in how I look. I'm always very scared when someone is cutting my hair. 80% of the time, I really not OK with how it turned out. Also because my hair is SOOOOOOOo thick, it's just a daunting task overall. I had a great consultation yesterday, with my hairdresser (whaaa? she has a hair dresser? haha)  and I was really excited. He was very straight forward and knew exactly what he was talking about. We went over texture, length, straight curly, layers, oh it was just wonderful.
This is a huge step for me. and while some may think this is funny, it's just one of the most stressful things. I'm just axious. BUT, I know "Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Phillpians 4:6
It's a BIIIIIIIIGGG step for me! 

so layers, bangs, and thinned out hair, here I come. 

I know that however this will turn out, it'll be God's will. Yes, I'm learning to give stuff even like my hair cut to God! =D 

I'm considering even praying over my hairdressers's hair....too much? haha 

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