August 27, 2011

Blessed to have the Best Brother

I have a really cool brother. Like seriously, hands down, I have the coolest brother in the world. Now, I know a buncha great guys, but I think my brother is just the best- guy and brother.

Before I embarked on my world travels, he bought me a very special present.  He bought me my first Louis Vuitton item- a genuine leather- Louis Vuitton wallet. (If you don’t know this, I am in LOVE in with Louis Vuitton. Not because of their style, their bags, or even their status. I am in love with the designer brand that has the same initials as me- LV. Therefore, I literally “have my name written” on their merchandise. )Getting back to my awesome brother-  Now, considering his employment (He is 13 and babysits…), he basically bought me the world. I even tear up right now thinking about it. I can’t believe he spent that much money on me. But it’s not even the money that makes me wana cry. It’s the fact that he took the time to find out (from my mom) exactly what I wanted and the perfect traveling gift. ( Some carry Louis Vuitton purses, some carry Louis Vuitton luggage, I carry a Louis Vuitton wallet. ) And that, yes, not to be cliché- but it really was “ the thought that counts”.

 I am blessed beyond the world to have such a brother. He’s seen me at my best and usually gets my worst. He knows how to make me laugh with witty remarks or just a look. He has the power to make me smile while I am infuriated. He speaks truth into my life in the most loving way. I know, for a fact, that I don’t deserve such love from such a special boy. To top it off, he is absolutely brilliant, smart, and sincerely nice. He’s got a heart for God and serves Him faithfully. His humility and meekness humbles me to the ground. He is rarely grumpy and is the best company. I’ve taken him for granted since the day he was born. He’s always been secondary no matter how much I lie to myself that he isn’t. (I’m such a jerk.) But in return, he’s my number one fan. He emanates Christ’s love. I am so proud to be his sister. He is, honestly, the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I love you Ivan. Langi. Punk. Monkey. And all the other names I call you ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Leita!!!! I love you ssssoooo much!!!!
