August 23, 2011

finally, a blog post.

When I started this blog, I had the intention of writing posts full of humourous details of the fast- paced life I live. I thought it would be a great way of journaling the amazing experiences I have had this year, the lessons I have learned, and the challenges I have overcome. Well….none of that has happened- the writing posts part I mean. This year has been full of adventure big and small! I actually force myself to relax now (compared to my senior year where “relaxing” was my everyday  routine).
Now, I am in a different country- half way across the world from “home”. Now, more than ever do I need to answer that question - How are you doing and what have you been doing?
This whole year has been amazing to say the least. I’ve had a great six months at the Knivetons (detailed posts about those six months-coming soon) and now I am in Tonga.
Some, if not now every, person I know have been informed that I am fulfilling my dream of traveling the world. First stop- Tonga and New Zealand.
Below are links to detailed blog posts about my trip so far. (Some are still in progress…)
New Zealand Flight
I felt inclined to give a detailed posts about this flight. It was a very special experience for me to be traveling alone, half way across the world.
New Zealand Layover
Reuniting with my Aunties, Uncle, and meeting my first cousins for the first time!

To Tonga Flight
Probably my least favourite flight in my life but there is a good side to this story…

First Week
Has it really been a week? Honestly, I fit right into life here that I feel like I’ve been here my whole life! Here’s what I did…

Cultural Experiences
Part 1- Basically, if I experienced any cultural activies, ceremonies, or practice- it will be recorded here.

Believe it or not- living an island isn’t always easy. Paradise is attainable, but like everything good- with hard work.


PICTURE STATUS- My camera is not working. I have to order some parts and get it shipped over/brought by someone, so until then, I really dont have any pictures. =( I am dissapointed too.

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