November 20, 2011

Kayaking Part 1

This took place in the second week of September. (that's how back logged I am in my blog updates. hehe.)

After TWO failed attempts at a kayaking day, it finally happened. I went with my cousin, Olivia. who right now, is more like the younger, annoying sister I never had. haha. Just Kidding. She's a doll.

Well to start off, the road leading to the kayaking spot was being paved so the road was blocked.
Oli and I caught the bus, which took an alternative route, not passing the kayaking place (this would've been a 3min bus trip) and instead it turned into a 40min trip. 10min on the bus in the alternative route. 30min the sun. 

However, I cant complain about the walk because it was beautiful route with green all around and we were walking on a newly paved road! 

We FINALLY arrived the spot. sweaty. and thirsty. It was beautiful entrance. and the weather was very promising! (very deceitful. Tonga- It will be perfect like this and in the next hour it can be cloudy and rainy.)

Such a cute place. The business is owned by Americans! from CALIFORNIA! =D It was cool talking with them because up to that time, I had been deprived of the American accent and just hearing it out of someone else's mouth other than mine was a blessing.
It is run by a super sweet, couple. They are very professional with their work. I called them to get all the information and I was very impressed with their phone courtesy and customer service. When I learned they're from the states, and especially California (capital of "I WILL get MY way because I am the customer"), it all made sense. 

I was supppperrr excited to go kayaking. We were going into one of the lagoons in Tonga. Also, I hadnt been kayaking in a while so that added to the excitement!

Olivia's FIRST time Kayaking =D 

Life jacket- It's more for the looks. Cause we all know how sexy we look in life jackets. 

Mo'ungatapu  and Olivia.

It was quite a hilarious kayaking with Oli. She didnt quite get that if you paddle too much on one side, the boat will turn. She is also great a making decisions on the spot. "Which island should we go to?" Oli- I dont know. Me- How about that one? Oli- sure. Should we get off? Oli- I dont know.

Here is Mo'ungatapu. 
An Island located in the South East part of the Lagoon 

stay tuned for Part 2. Part 2 will come the next time I get to town. I am in Vavau right now and the only internet access I get is in town, which is a 20min bus ride away.

November 10, 2011


Ohhhh the island life. Even though things are just super slow paced- it’s still very possible to get extremely stressed out. Today marks the THIRD month since I have stepped onto Tongan soil. GOSH! Three months already?

Let me be totally honest- I seriously do NOT want to go back to the States. (However, I am VERY EXCITED about going to New Zealand!)

My experience here in Tonga is not everything I hoped for and dreamed- My experience here in Tonga has been filled with a great many challenges filled with rewards beyond my wildest dreams. I am very happy to be here and I am thankful that I am lovin it.

Contrary to popular belief- not everyday is a scene set to a Jack Johnson song. While it WOULD be nice to just sit by the beach all day and strum a guitar, it’s not always an easy ride. Somedays that I’ve had could be set to-(this will make Matt very happy) a Metallica song. Where it’s super crazy, hardcore, yet at some point reaching a soft part-ending with a full on “rock on” feeling making you wana say “bring on the next day”.  (I hope that made sense. I am waaayy too lazy to make it grammatically correct. )

I am definitely a different person. Well….I think I am…

So Im just gona be dead honest- I have so much to write. I want to tell you all so much. I have so many pictures to post. I have so many thoughts to share and praises/struggles upon my heart. But when I actually sit down to blog- something ALWAYS comes up. And this makes a great excuse- but let me tell you- it’s a legit reason. Not excuse. Yes, I would dedicate an hour to sit down and write-but something always comes along. I will get things out there. But in God’s good timing. I am pretty bummed there’s not a lot up here, but the time I’ve given to a certain activity (instead of blogging) has been rewarding.
Plus-Tongans don’t really “personal” time. Especially as I am a child o_O and therefore should ALWAYS be readily available for anything-so they think.

But just a quick update on me-
On Tues, I will be leaving to Vavau. Like FINALLY. Please pray that I will get certain things done before I leave. (not just done, but with a happy heart and not a stressful time)
I am getting really dark- haha. How very unTongan of me. –got this thing called melanin-dude, I’ve got enough to fuel a rocketship to space…and BACK!
I am getting a LOT better with my Tongan. Yay me.
I have been hanging out with a lot of cousins, aunties, uncles, random relatives- Basically-everyday is a family reunion =D mostly a good thing. Haha.
I still get my coffee fix. Except I am not as picky about my coffee anymore (Jess should be proud of me).
I miss all of yall. Friends, family, aquiaintences…neighbors…stalkers….professors?...did I miss anyone? Haha. I miss a lot of people.
Yall are welcome to fly to Tonga and hang out me. I mean you get paradise-AND ME?!!? What more could you want? So please- book your flight now.

Till soon-hopefully very soon when I can sit down and not be disturbed and blog more and more-
With love ,

ps. sorry no picture. Im still very indecisive and cant pick one shot so ya. pretty lame eh? 

November 4, 2011


photo credit to Elizabeth Love

teaser-sheeeeemeeezer. (it just happens to rhyme)

well yes. Time moves slowly in Tonga. very.very slowly. there are two levels of speed. slow. and slower.

but then i happen to be pretty busy doing a bunch random things that hinder me from blogging. er. just kidding. im just getting too lazy to write and write and watch pictures upload o_O.

but I PROMISE by next week. and you can hold me to this- I will post a LOT about what has happened and is happening.

so stay tuned- cause I'll give the whole story of the picture above. like I said- teeeaaseerrrrr- sheeeeemmeeeeeezer.


November 1, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Kinda bummed I’m not there to make you in breakfast in bed or take you to a fancy-schmancy dinner but don’t worry- you’re getting a very special gift when I get back…ME. ;)

My mom- the rock in my life. Obviously, Christ is my foundation but my mom is next on the list.

Since I’ve been here in Tonga, I’ve been getting a lot of comments a long the lines of
“You look JUST like your mom!”
“You talk and act just like your mom!”
“Your smile is exactly your mom’s smile”
And I have to say, I’m proud to be a photocopy of the lady I adore the most.

Heres to you, Mani-

To the woman who , to the best of her abilities, gave me the best of the best.

To the woman who taught me self-confidence …maybe just a tad too much. ;)

To the lady who  spent at one time giving me a 5 hour lecture…

To the lady who gave up countless hours to make sure I knew the truth and the right and proper way to do something…even if it was scrubbing the floor.

To the lady who taught me how to drive…  Her method? Staying silent while I was in total panic mode and only replied to my frantic questions with three words- figure. it. out.

To the lady who believed in me even when I didn’t.

To the lady who helped me actively pursue my dream of traveling even when every single door seemed bolted shut.

To the lady who did what was best for Ivan and I even when in her words “Every Tom, Dick, and Harry” either disagreed, disapproved, and maybe even disliked her for her choices.

To the lady who gave up a very promising, successful career to be a stay-at-home-mom and school, nurture and raise, Ivan and I. (So sacrificial it makes me want to have a cry-fest every time I think about it.)

To the lady who should’ve given up on me because I’m such a stubborn-ass but persisted with the help of Christ.

To the lady who was willing to change habits, attitudes, and even her whole lifestyle that I would have the opportunity to excel in school, arts, and life as a whole.

Most importantly- to the lady- who daily sacrificed her life to make sure my relationship with Christ was close, firm, and real. You are a true inspiration and I look up to you so much - as mother, a wife, a business woman, and especially as a believer.

To the lady who did all this with the help of Christ and then let her life investment hop in a plane and set it loose…(that’s me by the way)

Happy, Happy Birthday.

I know it’s a privilege and a blessing to have my mother alive and well today. It is also an honour to be associated with her and the greatest of honour to be her daughter- only daughter I might add. God has blessed me with an incredible relationship with a very dear lady and it’s the crème de le crème that I can call her MOM.

I am who I am today because of the wonders God has done through you. You allowed Him to use you as a tool and you have so faithfully carried out your calling in my life, even when I knew you just wanted to send me to insane asylum.

I want you to live many more years to see me epically fail at trying to be a great person like you. =P

Thank you. Ofa lahi atu. Cheers to you. Happy long life to you.

Forever grateful,