November 20, 2011

Kayaking Part 1

This took place in the second week of September. (that's how back logged I am in my blog updates. hehe.)

After TWO failed attempts at a kayaking day, it finally happened. I went with my cousin, Olivia. who right now, is more like the younger, annoying sister I never had. haha. Just Kidding. She's a doll.

Well to start off, the road leading to the kayaking spot was being paved so the road was blocked.
Oli and I caught the bus, which took an alternative route, not passing the kayaking place (this would've been a 3min bus trip) and instead it turned into a 40min trip. 10min on the bus in the alternative route. 30min the sun. 

However, I cant complain about the walk because it was beautiful route with green all around and we were walking on a newly paved road! 

We FINALLY arrived the spot. sweaty. and thirsty. It was beautiful entrance. and the weather was very promising! (very deceitful. Tonga- It will be perfect like this and in the next hour it can be cloudy and rainy.)

Such a cute place. The business is owned by Americans! from CALIFORNIA! =D It was cool talking with them because up to that time, I had been deprived of the American accent and just hearing it out of someone else's mouth other than mine was a blessing.
It is run by a super sweet, couple. They are very professional with their work. I called them to get all the information and I was very impressed with their phone courtesy and customer service. When I learned they're from the states, and especially California (capital of "I WILL get MY way because I am the customer"), it all made sense. 

I was supppperrr excited to go kayaking. We were going into one of the lagoons in Tonga. Also, I hadnt been kayaking in a while so that added to the excitement!

Olivia's FIRST time Kayaking =D 

Life jacket- It's more for the looks. Cause we all know how sexy we look in life jackets. 

Mo'ungatapu  and Olivia.

It was quite a hilarious kayaking with Oli. She didnt quite get that if you paddle too much on one side, the boat will turn. She is also great a making decisions on the spot. "Which island should we go to?" Oli- I dont know. Me- How about that one? Oli- sure. Should we get off? Oli- I dont know.

Here is Mo'ungatapu. 
An Island located in the South East part of the Lagoon 

stay tuned for Part 2. Part 2 will come the next time I get to town. I am in Vavau right now and the only internet access I get is in town, which is a 20min bus ride away.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! It looks like fun. I have never gone kayaking but I feel like I need to do it sometime. It would be fun. I'm glad you had fun and that you got to talk to some Americans (and then you met meeeee!!).
