November 10, 2011


Ohhhh the island life. Even though things are just super slow paced- it’s still very possible to get extremely stressed out. Today marks the THIRD month since I have stepped onto Tongan soil. GOSH! Three months already?

Let me be totally honest- I seriously do NOT want to go back to the States. (However, I am VERY EXCITED about going to New Zealand!)

My experience here in Tonga is not everything I hoped for and dreamed- My experience here in Tonga has been filled with a great many challenges filled with rewards beyond my wildest dreams. I am very happy to be here and I am thankful that I am lovin it.

Contrary to popular belief- not everyday is a scene set to a Jack Johnson song. While it WOULD be nice to just sit by the beach all day and strum a guitar, it’s not always an easy ride. Somedays that I’ve had could be set to-(this will make Matt very happy) a Metallica song. Where it’s super crazy, hardcore, yet at some point reaching a soft part-ending with a full on “rock on” feeling making you wana say “bring on the next day”.  (I hope that made sense. I am waaayy too lazy to make it grammatically correct. )

I am definitely a different person. Well….I think I am…

So Im just gona be dead honest- I have so much to write. I want to tell you all so much. I have so many pictures to post. I have so many thoughts to share and praises/struggles upon my heart. But when I actually sit down to blog- something ALWAYS comes up. And this makes a great excuse- but let me tell you- it’s a legit reason. Not excuse. Yes, I would dedicate an hour to sit down and write-but something always comes along. I will get things out there. But in God’s good timing. I am pretty bummed there’s not a lot up here, but the time I’ve given to a certain activity (instead of blogging) has been rewarding.
Plus-Tongans don’t really “personal” time. Especially as I am a child o_O and therefore should ALWAYS be readily available for anything-so they think.

But just a quick update on me-
On Tues, I will be leaving to Vavau. Like FINALLY. Please pray that I will get certain things done before I leave. (not just done, but with a happy heart and not a stressful time)
I am getting really dark- haha. How very unTongan of me. –got this thing called melanin-dude, I’ve got enough to fuel a rocketship to space…and BACK!
I am getting a LOT better with my Tongan. Yay me.
I have been hanging out with a lot of cousins, aunties, uncles, random relatives- Basically-everyday is a family reunion =D mostly a good thing. Haha.
I still get my coffee fix. Except I am not as picky about my coffee anymore (Jess should be proud of me).
I miss all of yall. Friends, family, aquiaintences…neighbors…stalkers….professors?...did I miss anyone? Haha. I miss a lot of people.
Yall are welcome to fly to Tonga and hang out me. I mean you get paradise-AND ME?!!? What more could you want? So please- book your flight now.

Till soon-hopefully very soon when I can sit down and not be disturbed and blog more and more-
With love ,

ps. sorry no picture. Im still very indecisive and cant pick one shot so ya. pretty lame eh? 

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