August 23, 2013


I watched the first SpiderMan night Elanor. I forgot how good it was. “With great power comes great responsibility”…makes me think of this song

When the goblin’s alter ego was screaming at him, it reminded me of the demons constantly haunting Christians. The demons are always trying to lead our train of thoughts to sinful acts and beckon us over and over to pursuit it. But then again, we don’t need the demons to lead us towards evil for our human nature wants us to be bad. We naturally tend toward sin. Only by the grace of God can we ever overcome  evil.

Another quick note about superheroes- I recall  this interesting podcast by ThisAmericanLife  about superpower/ superheroes ( basically what it’s about is superpowers and how people would use a superpower if they had one. . Growing up with characters Superman, Batman, and Flash, I (and I know it’s cultural) expect super powers to always be used for good. However, the survey found that people would generally choose a super power for their benefit and would rarely use it for “good”. The discovery that the podcast found was while people would say they like the idea of using superpowers for good, in reality, they would use the superpowers selfishly. Invisibility to shop and steal any item, flying to dodge air fares and gas prices, super strength to hurt anyone who angered them, and maybe even x-ray vision to feed their lust. We would want to benefit ourselves as much as we can. The survey confirmed what the Bible clearly states- “The heart is desperately wicked. Who can know it?” -Jeremiah 17:9  We are fall human- “For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”- Romans 3:23
We are not “basically good” as we would like to believe. We are sinful and corrupt.
We enjoy superheroes so much because we like the idea of being saved. Of having someone there in case something happened, and we seem to only enjoy  it fiction. However, Christ is real Saviour for He saved us from the ultimate – Hell. All superheroes are modeled after Him. 

Wrote this is in April 2011. I dont know why I never published it.

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