August 27, 2011

Blessed to have the Best Brother

I have a really cool brother. Like seriously, hands down, I have the coolest brother in the world. Now, I know a buncha great guys, but I think my brother is just the best- guy and brother.

Before I embarked on my world travels, he bought me a very special present.  He bought me my first Louis Vuitton item- a genuine leather- Louis Vuitton wallet. (If you don’t know this, I am in LOVE in with Louis Vuitton. Not because of their style, their bags, or even their status. I am in love with the designer brand that has the same initials as me- LV. Therefore, I literally “have my name written” on their merchandise. )Getting back to my awesome brother-  Now, considering his employment (He is 13 and babysits…), he basically bought me the world. I even tear up right now thinking about it. I can’t believe he spent that much money on me. But it’s not even the money that makes me wana cry. It’s the fact that he took the time to find out (from my mom) exactly what I wanted and the perfect traveling gift. ( Some carry Louis Vuitton purses, some carry Louis Vuitton luggage, I carry a Louis Vuitton wallet. ) And that, yes, not to be cliché- but it really was “ the thought that counts”.

 I am blessed beyond the world to have such a brother. He’s seen me at my best and usually gets my worst. He knows how to make me laugh with witty remarks or just a look. He has the power to make me smile while I am infuriated. He speaks truth into my life in the most loving way. I know, for a fact, that I don’t deserve such love from such a special boy. To top it off, he is absolutely brilliant, smart, and sincerely nice. He’s got a heart for God and serves Him faithfully. His humility and meekness humbles me to the ground. He is rarely grumpy and is the best company. I’ve taken him for granted since the day he was born. He’s always been secondary no matter how much I lie to myself that he isn’t. (I’m such a jerk.) But in return, he’s my number one fan. He emanates Christ’s love. I am so proud to be his sister. He is, honestly, the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I love you Ivan. Langi. Punk. Monkey. And all the other names I call you ;) 

August 23, 2011

finally, a blog post.

When I started this blog, I had the intention of writing posts full of humourous details of the fast- paced life I live. I thought it would be a great way of journaling the amazing experiences I have had this year, the lessons I have learned, and the challenges I have overcome. Well….none of that has happened- the writing posts part I mean. This year has been full of adventure big and small! I actually force myself to relax now (compared to my senior year where “relaxing” was my everyday  routine).
Now, I am in a different country- half way across the world from “home”. Now, more than ever do I need to answer that question - How are you doing and what have you been doing?
This whole year has been amazing to say the least. I’ve had a great six months at the Knivetons (detailed posts about those six months-coming soon) and now I am in Tonga.
Some, if not now every, person I know have been informed that I am fulfilling my dream of traveling the world. First stop- Tonga and New Zealand.
Below are links to detailed blog posts about my trip so far. (Some are still in progress…)
New Zealand Flight
I felt inclined to give a detailed posts about this flight. It was a very special experience for me to be traveling alone, half way across the world.
New Zealand Layover
Reuniting with my Aunties, Uncle, and meeting my first cousins for the first time!

To Tonga Flight
Probably my least favourite flight in my life but there is a good side to this story…

First Week
Has it really been a week? Honestly, I fit right into life here that I feel like I’ve been here my whole life! Here’s what I did…

Cultural Experiences
Part 1- Basically, if I experienced any cultural activies, ceremonies, or practice- it will be recorded here.

Believe it or not- living an island isn’t always easy. Paradise is attainable, but like everything good- with hard work.


PICTURE STATUS- My camera is not working. I have to order some parts and get it shipped over/brought by someone, so until then, I really dont have any pictures. =( I am dissapointed too.

from USA to New Zealand

 Lets start from the very beginning. A very good place start. – Maria, Sound of Music

As I said goodbye to my family, I was overwhelmed. My dream was becoming a reality. I boarded the airplane filled with joy and excitement.  Dragging my heavy carry on through the tight aisles, I found my seat. Then came the challenge of actually putting the ridiculously heavy carry on into the storage compartment. A kind gentlemen took charge and lifted it into the compartment. On my window seat was a blanket sealed plastic, headphones, and a pillow. I have never been so well greeted on an airplane. “I didn’t need my Snuggie afterall”, I thought to myself.
As the plane rode along the airport, I took one last look at the Bay Area. It hadn’t sunk in till then that I wouldn’t see this place, this country till January 2012!  I was a bit sad, but I shook it off. I was finally, finally, FINALLY leaving! The plane sped  on the tracks and I immediately thought of Toy Story 2 - the part where Woody rescues Jesse.  I always experience the same, thrilling feeling when a plane takes off- similar to the feeling when a rollercoaster is climbing to the top. But  this thrilling feeling was different because I didn’t feel anything. I was completely numb as I stared down at the Bay as it got smaller and smaller. “It’s really happening”. I am leaving. But I still didn’t believe the dream was coming true.

After admiring the clouds below, I fell into a deep slumber. That day, I had only caught  3 hours of sleep collectively. Needless to say, my 14hour flight was a great blessing.

I slept most of the way from San Francisco to Auckland. I did not read any books or letters, listen to my iPod, or watch any of the movies I had packed. The coolest part about my plane ride was Air New Zealand had a vast selection of new movies, music, and TV shows all for no extra charge! If I hadn’t been so tired, I would’ve watched movies all the way to Auckland. I was served great food on the plane (or as great as plane food will ever get). My favourite item was a La Crème strawberry yogurt. It’s Julia’s favourite yogurt and it had become my favourite yogurt too. While, I was enjoying the treat, I reminisced of our afternoons together. I couldn’t believe my time was up and I was in a plane off to a different country. Things happen so fast and it was just a couple of months I had dreamt of being in that plane seat to New Zealand.

We soon approached Auckland. The Pacific Ocean spread out below us like a large blanket. It was a sight to behold. Small white lines hinted of the huge waves below and I couldn’t help but feel anxious.   New Zealand came into sight. First the top islands down to Auckland. Soon, houses and cars appeared . The cars were driving on the left hand side. An odd site. Above, a full moon shone brightly down on the country, lighting the way. The moon looks so different full from an airplane. It’s rounder, if that makes any sense, and brighter. The clouds could not block it. It stood plain in sight.

Now, if movies had scenes about customs, movies would be ridiculously  long.  Worst part about traveling alone back to family is the luggage deal. My mom and I had spent hours upon hours packing and repacking making sure my bags were 50 pounds. I ended up taking two bags that were 50lbs and a 30lb carry on and a skimboard. I saw the trolleys all around but assumed I couldn’t use one because I did not have NZ currency. To my great delight, I discovered that the TROLLEYS WERE FREE!!! Thank the Lord Almighty. I, then, joined the long lines of customs. I spent most of it listening to acoustic music and doing foot exercises I had learned from dance class. Flex and point.  Haha. Finally after getting through, I walked out and saw my aunty and cousin.

Happy and overjoyed to see a familiar face we made our way to my Aunt’s apartment. I took shotgun- on the left side. “WEEEEIIIIIIIIRRDDD”. We drove along the LEFT hand side and honestly, I was very uncomfortable with the whole deal. I glanced at the speedometer and saw the number 90. Immediately I thought, “WHY ARE YOU  GOING 90MPH?!?!” And then I realized it was kilometers! Fun fact- In new Zealand, they call free way- motorway.

Even though I had just slept and not done much, I was still exhausted. I had some delicious stew that my aunt prepared and soon went to sleep for another 5hours.
My last thoughts before crashing again were- YAY! I FINALLY made it to NEW ZEALAND

Kiora (Maori- New Zealand's natives way of saying "be well")n