October 16, 2011

"Materialistic Specific Things I Miss" List

I love making lists so here's to list making...

Since I've been here, I've been a bowl full "missing this and that" such as friends, family, mindset,
but here's a "Materialistic Specific Things I Miss" List.
Basically, it's tangible things- inanimate objects that I miss.

The two top things are in this picture- how convenient-

The top of the list-
Good Coffee- and if I wanted to get even more n picky- Good Decaf Coffee. I dont even care about brand anymore- Starbucks, Peets, or Zoes. I just miss GOOD COFFEE in general.

My Guitar- not that I was really on my way to being really good, I just miss strumming the beautiful instrument. I play some guitar here, but it's different when it's your own.

Fast Wireless Internet- I am very thankful that we even have internet at the house, and WIRELESS internet at that...I just miss FAST internet. You know, where Youtube loads in 5 seconds instead of 5mintues and pictures upload in 1 min instead of 10min.

Dishwasher- I really dont mind washing the dishes, cause I know it's a big help. I just miss rinsing the dishes and shoving it into a dishwasher.

Sidewalks- I dont think theres a generic sidewalk measurement here, so it can range from 2-3 feet off the ground. Totally throwing off my muscle memory. I'm very cautious where and how I walk.

Car- Walking is great for the health. But sometimes I need to go a bit farther than just down the street. and it's not just the convenience of car that I miss. I miss FAST cars. I miss going 65-70mph. What's the average speed here? 40kmph. 25mph. Which is not slow, but it's ridiculous doing 25mph for 30min. Omygoodness. I want to scream.

More lists are coming soon...probably something along the lines of "things I took for granted" and "things I am thankful I have here cause it's definitely a luxury in Tonga" and maybe even "the little things that make me happy here"

to be continued...


  1. um...is it ok if I learn Guitar on your guitar?? PPPLLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE!!!!

  2. I can't help you with any of the other things, but the next time we all get together, I will bring some fresh organic fair trade Tongan coffee, our grinder, and my french press and make you GOOD COFFEE. I will even put foam on the top if you wish. :)
