September 28, 2011

Totally what I needed- Thanks God =)

Prayer for Renewal

May my light so shine before men that they may see my good works and glorify my Father in Heaven. – Matthew 5:16

May I do all things without complaining and disputing, that I may become blameless and harmless, a child of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom I shine as a light in the world, holding fast the Word of God. – Philippians 2:14-16

Taken from Drawing Near

September 26, 2011

Day with Keasi’s Kids

I went over to my Aunty Gladsy’s house with my Aunty Keasi and her kids. Keasi had to bake 8 cakes for her son’s (Michael) school for their singing competition. She is an amazing cook and baker. She’s very homely and very lady like.  

We took a walk to the near by store to get some food and junkiies.

Then we went to the backyard and had guava straight from the guava tree. YUMMMMMMM.

And jumped on the trampoline.

We had lunch and then took a walk to the wharf. 

This is one of my favourite pictures. Michale (17) and Murion (3) Michael is such a loving brother and I’m always moved at how much he cares about his younger siblings. He plays with them, carrys them around, feeds them while Mom is busy and overall just a great brother.

We passed this beautiful scenery on the way there.

Palm trees galore. 

and we saw horse.
They have this certain area blocked off on the wharf for swimming.

Luke jumped right in. and yes, the water is THAT blue. =D =D =D

Prayer for Renewal

May I keep heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.
May I put away a deceitful mouth,
And put perverse lips far from me.
Let my eyes look straight ahead,
And my eyelids look right before me.
May I ponder the path of my feet,
And all my ways be established.
May I not turn to the right of the left;
But remove my foot from evil. – Prov. 4:23-27

Taken from Drawing Near

September 25, 2011


I miss being a Sparky Leader.

This last school year (2009-2011) I was very blessed with an amazing opportunity to be a full-time Sparky Leader. That’s right- I got my very own- Sparky Leader Red Shirt AND an official AWANA name tag holder.

I loved each part of AWANA, Singing/Story Time, Verse Time, and Game Time.

During story time, I  always felt like I had time-traveled back into being a Grey-Shirt. I still remember eagerly anticipating the story Mrs. Wolf was going to share. The same eagerness I had experienced in elementary was the same eagerness I experienced week after week as a high-school graduate.  God , in His miraculous ways, always used story time to teach me a new lesson and crazy enough, the story’s lesson always, always, always related to that week’s struggle, sin, or obstacle. I was like woaaaahhhh God, I am here for the kids and you bless me through it? Noo way! Mrs. Wolf , of course is AMAZING! Her ability to relate the story with enthusiasm, depth and entertaining is a true gift. Thanks to her, I know a lot about historical men and women of God.  

Game time was super fun! I was a team leader- GO RED GO RED GO RED!- and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids were energetic little bunches!  I was able to practice leadership skills. I am an indecisive person and I tend to get nervous about making decisions..usually the big ones. (Just like anyone else). But  being a leader in game time, helped me make a quick decision with confidence. It’s only now I realized that being a game leader was building block for me. I am so happy I was able to spend such precious, fun time with the kids.  Play with them, teaching them team spirit, and encouraging good sportsmanship was a great way to influence their lives in a positive way. I guess my favourite part about game time was  watching their tiny little legs carry em around the circle.  It was always a big highlight in my week.

Verse time- no matter how great game time and story was- my favourite time was Verse Time. And here’s why- It is so precious and touching to me to hear the word of God spoken recited to me by a very young child. It always motivated me to memorize and be in God’s word. Here was a kid reading off these memory verses and I had to be able to do the same. Most of the time, I was holding back tears of Joy as these kids spoke truth into my life.  I was able to share the Gospel with the kids and further their understanding of their faith. Kids, no matter what age, are VERY very smart. It is very wrong to assume a child does not have the ability to process a large amount of information. The children were very bright, sharp, and witty. (Applause to their amazing, hard working, loving parents.) Verse time meant the most to me because it’s where I saw their hearts and mind grasp the Gospel.  I know that it had huge impact on their life and it has left a remarkable footprint in my life.

I sincerely miss helping out in AWANA but God has brought great opportunities while I am here. My aunt suggested that we host a get together party for all the cousins at my grandpa’s house near the beach. It has now turned into a Kids Camp! I am so excited because I’ll get to hang out with all my cousins and share Missionary Stories and Bible stories with them! Seriously looking forward to this weekend! 

I love this picture. It describes the subtle sarcasm we so greatly embrace. While it may seem that we are posing with uber seriousness, deep down we are thinking “omygoodness. This is absolutely ridiculous.”
I love you Shelby. Kinda-sorta-miss you. 

September 21, 2011

keeping my mind on track

Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-may I meditate on these things. -Philippians 4:8

Taken from Drawing Near

September 17, 2011


one of the biggest blessings being here is meeting A LOT of first cousins and second cousins. I love playing with them and getting to know them. I've met cousins from age 2 to 22.

At the airport- taking my grandpa as he left back to US.
Cousins galore. =D
Joy- 2
Murion- 3
Mele- 7
 Unaki 7 
 Tilsa 7
Luke 13
Mele 9
Olivia 15

Joy.2. Quiet as a mouse, but when she opens her mouth, she fierce as a lion. My cousin and I spent at least two hours carrying her around and she did not utter one word. And NO, she’s not mute. She’s just quiet.

Murion. 3. beside her- . The “Kafi” (mischievous) one.
 Partners in Crime. 

Cutest little boy. His name- Feamolotu. Shorten- “Lotu”. He was adopted in Fiji. One night, he came into my room and shared some candy with me. Then preceded to give me a dramatic interpretation of a typical rugby game.  My Tongan has improved greatly thanks to this chatter box. The way he talks, it was as if he was 20years old and his witty remarks are the best. He’s only 8. I showed him the webcamera and we had a bit of fun.

Top Left- Smile
Top Right-HUG
Bottom Left- Rock on and Peace Sign.  a MUST for every webcamera session.
Bottom Right- Candy- Tongues. Side note- it’s very sour. >_< 

Sunday at Mu'a

This last Sunday, I was at Mu’a staying at my grand-aunties and grand-uncles house. Their houses are next to each other and in front of the lagoon.

Closer Look 

A typical Tongan Sunday- It’s very quiet. All the stores are closed except the “Fale Ma”  (Bakery). The routine is morning Church Service, a Sunday School, and an Evening Service. (The Sunday school is AFTER church and is just for the kids.)
We woke up late and missed the morning Church service. We decided we’ll explore, get back, and make it in time for Sunday school and Evening service.
We found trees near the water and embraced our monkey-nature by climbing them.

I was waiting for Olivia to fall. Unfortunately, she didn’t.  ;)

Climbed to other side.

I wanted to swim there.

 Explorer Pose

My best friend, Eleanor P, and I have this joke where pose with leaves and ask the deep, philosophical question- “Do these leaves make me look…exotic?”  This shot was for her. J

Left- Mango Tree.  Lute did not want to climb trees with us. 

After exploring, the explorers were hungry. They were blessed with a very traditional Sunday meal- “Umu” (oo-moo). It’s taro, yam, or sweet potato with “Lu”- chicken, beef, or corn beef with onions wrapped in Taro Leaves, wrapped in foil cooked in an underground oven. To be honest, it was the first time I actually enjoyed Lu. Maybe cause I was soooo hungry.
We enjoyed our meal beneath the shade of the huge mango tree in the front yard. Two other girls also ate with us.  We talked and jammed on the guitar and rested.
By now, we had missed Sunday school. We decided we’d give church one last shot- Evening service. 
We took a walk to the Fale Ma for fresh baked bread for an evening tea. 

While we were walking to the Fale Ma, I saw a road leading to the water and took a detour.

 It led us here.
Picturesque much? With the boat and everything. It was quite lovely. 

Sitting on the rocks.

We stayed there and watched the sunset. 

Breath taking

By the time we reached the Fale Ma, it was already dark.  We walked home laughing and joking with one another. Yes, we missed church again. We got home, watched Glee, and slept.
Overall, we had a very Tongan Sunday- quiet, umu, and kai ma. Except the skipping church part. 
That’s not every Tongan. ;)

September 16, 2011

a very chill Saturday

Took a walk to Tupou Highschool for Olivia’s Saturday Classes. Met Mala there. While we waited for Olivia’s classes to finish, we took pictures, chatted, and had snacks.

Mala’s quote- as I was standing on the brick fence trying to take a picture- “oh yea Leita, go ahead and climb it cause you know how we own everything” bwahaha.

Mala and I happened to be wearing Converse High Tops.

Afterwards we went to the rugby field.

Oh I have many memories of this place from my childhood. My mom organized the Rugby events and regardless of how I left about it, I had to attend them. I distinctly remember one event when they had a special item for the kids- a race across the field from one rugby post to the other. I lined up along the starting line with about 20 other kids. Ready, set, GO! I ran with all my heart. When I looked to my side to see who I was  outrunning, I saw no one. To my horror, I was the only one still running. The other kids had already reached the other side! The whole stadium erupted in laughter. Turns out that the majority of the kids were 11 to 15. I was 6. Needless to say, I was slowest. Most. Embarrassing. Thing. ever.

These two...

Met Mala again.
She was being such a good girl, cleaning the front yard.

Afterwards, we went to Mu’a.
We (Me, Olivia, and Lute) are staying at my Grand-Uncle’s house for the week. His house is right next to his sister’s (my Grand-Aunty’s) house. The house is right in front of the water. It’s not the ocean, it’s a lagoon. It’s beautiful here. 

Flight from Tonga

 (Flight from San Francisco to Auckland)
 I don’t know if you can tell from the bad quality of my camera phone but THAT’S A HUGE plane.

Sun- Rise one our way to Tonga

Can you see the Outline of island? !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! =D

I couldn’t breathe. I was HERE AT LAST =D =D I wanted to jump out of the plane and embrace the ocean.

*sigh* Hello, it’s good to be back home.

I was very, very, very grumpy when I got on the airplane from Auckland to Tonga. I had almost missed the flight due to my ignorance of New Zealand flight policies. There is a weight limit on carry-on bags and I double the limit. I had to call my aunty, who already left the airport, to turn around and pick up the carry-on. This took about an hour. I almost missed my flight. The airline people were not very helpful. And I couldn’t eat anything on the flight( I did not have breakfast =/) cause I only had American currency. The cool part was I met a lady from Germany who was living in New Zealand and visiting Tonga for her first time. I first met at her check-in. She had asked me if she could put her sunscreen in my luggage. The sunscreen bottle was over liquid limit and therefore couldn’t go on her carry-on. We had a friendly conversation. It was very relieving to meet someone nice. I was blessed by her company.  By the time Tonga was in view, I was literally on cloud 9. ;) Flying over the main island was an emotional moment for me. I was surprised I didn’t cry. Haha. I was overwhelmed that I actually got here. I was so use to failure that to have it work out was non-believable.
My favourite part was touch down.  We sailed in smoothly into the small airport. I walked not into an airport terminal, but onto the staircase and down. I felt like the President. 

Tongan joke- when I was standing at customs, the man asked me where I was I staying at. I said, “Kolomotua”. He asked, “Do you speak Kolomotua?”
I’m sure it’s funny, but I don’t get it. I’ve been told it’s funny. >_<

September 8, 2011

don't be deceived by the lack of posts

Trust me. A LOT has been going on. Honestly, I'm just too wiped out to write about them or even bother loading pictures (of the few I have taken). I will try tomorrow to write a bunch and hopppeeffulllllyy get some pictures up.

The adventures of being sick..ick..ick

On Sunday, I got really bad cough and headache. On Tuesday,  I drugged myself (the wonders of Advil), slept a bit, and  got better.

By Thursday, I was fine and dandy.

Thursday nite, I helped decorate USP (University of the South Pacific- Tonga Campus) for the Tongan Rugby team. “Ikale Tahi” [Quick update to the Rugby-Ignorant Folks- The Rugby World Cup is this Friday. First game- All Blacks (New Zealand) against Ikale Tahi (Tonga). Ikale Tahi translates into English as “Eagle of the Sea”.] RED.RED.RED. Red signs, flags, and decoration filled the school with Rugby fever.  I stayed at USP with my cousin and her friends till 7am. I slept at 4am on a counter top. I am amazed at my ability to stay absolutely still for a long period of time- one movement to the left and I would’ve had an intense encounter with Mr. Floor.  I woke up  3hours later to leave for home. Right when I got up, I felt like a canon was residing in my stomach.  I moved cautiously as if I had to balance it. I got into the car, burped , and then stuck my head out of the car to give a graceful display of  my ability to regurgitate. Oh the marvel.  My poor cousin, Anna, stopped, handed me a cloth, and then just stared in horror. It’s the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened to me and it happened in front of my cousin who I haven’t seen in years! Way to Humble me, God.  We arrived home and I went straight to bed.

I got up three hours later to go back USP for the actual celebration. Again, I vomited. My poor stomach was rejecting anything and everything. We came back and I slept for 13hours straight. I woke up Saturday feeling miserable. My stomach felt like an empty basket of rotten apples.  Advil, the only medicine I brought, religiously travelled down my esophagus like a flock of passionate monks.  I had some crackers and coffee. Coffee was a mistake. My stomach was not ready to handle much food at all. Well, that’s all I had Saturday. I mostly slept  and read and did nothing really productive. I contemplated the idea of finishing other blog posts,  but my poor brain felt like mush. I was really, really, really mad that I was sick. “I CANT DO ANYTHING.”  I had planned on being with my cousin for the weekend but those plans went down the drain like a dead fish. I was mad at God. WHY? God why? I had been looking forward to this weekend for time with my cousins. Why? Why? Whhhhhy? 
Sunday- I was feeling better but I was still an empty stomach. I managed to get out of bed and finally eat. I had crackers and tea. Early grey tea. Side note- the only time I drink tea is when I’m sick or when I feel like being classy. I had my light meal and what did I do? Yup. I went straight back to sleep. I think I don’t think I had enough calories in my body to give me energy to do anything soo I slept. After cleaning up a bit and sleeping more, I finallllyyy felt better. I had a lovely  “tea” with my Aunt again. We had a great discussion about Romans 8:28. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”(ESV)  I was feeling a LOT better by now.

 The vomiting was a result of  non-purified water. I had assumed the water that was in a plastic water bottle was purified.  Turns out, it was a refilled water bottle. My body has not yet, adjusted to the foreign water.

Throughout the whole sick fest, I asked God, “Why? What is your purpose for this? What’s your great reason for me to be sick in bed rather than being out at the beach with my cousins?” A few answers became clear. This year, I have put in my best efforts not to get sick. God has blessed me with great healthy ever since January, which was the last time I really ill. After I was better, I rarely rested, like truly rested.  I have only allowed myself one day to rest, but to be honest, I only rested for a couple of hours.  I was always going, going, GOING!  My body finally gave up and said -“ ENOUGH. STOP!” It’s funny how the body will do that, how it will shutdown on its own.  Rest is soo important. In my hectic life, I tend to forget that God CALLS me (and you!) to rest. He even made a WHOLE day for it. If you are stressing out on your REST day, you’re not resting. I really needed the rest, even if it meant not doing what I wanted. There’s opportunity cost for ya ;) 
Also, I am still adjusting to my non-strict schedule . I’m trying to pile up my schedule but to no avail. It’s weird. I am not working. I am so use to working. I’ve been working since I was 13 and I loved it! And if I wasnt working, I was doing school. School and Work. Two things I am not obligated to do. I am not obligated to any strict schedule. And I guess that’s what a vacation is really about! =D

P.S. I sound like Nat-King-Cole. I gotta a really bad cough. Please pray for me. :)

can't help it tho...

Three things I hate but I will probably always have to use. Ugh.

Facebook. I hate

Radio. You’d think it’s the commercials that bothers me the most, but no. It’s the terrible music our generation has been dealt. 

Deodorant. Such a Hassle. One more thing to put on. But God knows, we ALLLLL need it.

(inspired by Tyrone Well's Hate Song)

September 7, 2011

it's just one of those verses that strike you, ya know?

May I not go on presenting the memebers of my body as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but may I present myself to you as being alive from the dead, and my members as instruments of righteous to You. – Romans 6:13
(Excerpt Drawing Near)

September 1, 2011


MY CAMERA WORKS!!! Praise the LORD! Turns out that I don’t know how to insert the battery correctly into the charger so that it will charge. I’m sorry I haven’t written much. A LOT has been going on =D I’ve mostly been attending Tongan events and helping out at USP. (University of the South Pacific- Tongan branch.) I will write more SOON, but I’m soooooo glad my camera finally works. Now, I will take mucho pics and uploaaddd em. =D