September 8, 2011

The adventures of being sick..ick..ick

On Sunday, I got really bad cough and headache. On Tuesday,  I drugged myself (the wonders of Advil), slept a bit, and  got better.

By Thursday, I was fine and dandy.

Thursday nite, I helped decorate USP (University of the South Pacific- Tonga Campus) for the Tongan Rugby team. “Ikale Tahi” [Quick update to the Rugby-Ignorant Folks- The Rugby World Cup is this Friday. First game- All Blacks (New Zealand) against Ikale Tahi (Tonga). Ikale Tahi translates into English as “Eagle of the Sea”.] RED.RED.RED. Red signs, flags, and decoration filled the school with Rugby fever.  I stayed at USP with my cousin and her friends till 7am. I slept at 4am on a counter top. I am amazed at my ability to stay absolutely still for a long period of time- one movement to the left and I would’ve had an intense encounter with Mr. Floor.  I woke up  3hours later to leave for home. Right when I got up, I felt like a canon was residing in my stomach.  I moved cautiously as if I had to balance it. I got into the car, burped , and then stuck my head out of the car to give a graceful display of  my ability to regurgitate. Oh the marvel.  My poor cousin, Anna, stopped, handed me a cloth, and then just stared in horror. It’s the most disgusting thing that’s ever happened to me and it happened in front of my cousin who I haven’t seen in years! Way to Humble me, God.  We arrived home and I went straight to bed.

I got up three hours later to go back USP for the actual celebration. Again, I vomited. My poor stomach was rejecting anything and everything. We came back and I slept for 13hours straight. I woke up Saturday feeling miserable. My stomach felt like an empty basket of rotten apples.  Advil, the only medicine I brought, religiously travelled down my esophagus like a flock of passionate monks.  I had some crackers and coffee. Coffee was a mistake. My stomach was not ready to handle much food at all. Well, that’s all I had Saturday. I mostly slept  and read and did nothing really productive. I contemplated the idea of finishing other blog posts,  but my poor brain felt like mush. I was really, really, really mad that I was sick. “I CANT DO ANYTHING.”  I had planned on being with my cousin for the weekend but those plans went down the drain like a dead fish. I was mad at God. WHY? God why? I had been looking forward to this weekend for time with my cousins. Why? Why? Whhhhhy? 
Sunday- I was feeling better but I was still an empty stomach. I managed to get out of bed and finally eat. I had crackers and tea. Early grey tea. Side note- the only time I drink tea is when I’m sick or when I feel like being classy. I had my light meal and what did I do? Yup. I went straight back to sleep. I think I don’t think I had enough calories in my body to give me energy to do anything soo I slept. After cleaning up a bit and sleeping more, I finallllyyy felt better. I had a lovely  “tea” with my Aunt again. We had a great discussion about Romans 8:28. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”(ESV)  I was feeling a LOT better by now.

 The vomiting was a result of  non-purified water. I had assumed the water that was in a plastic water bottle was purified.  Turns out, it was a refilled water bottle. My body has not yet, adjusted to the foreign water.

Throughout the whole sick fest, I asked God, “Why? What is your purpose for this? What’s your great reason for me to be sick in bed rather than being out at the beach with my cousins?” A few answers became clear. This year, I have put in my best efforts not to get sick. God has blessed me with great healthy ever since January, which was the last time I really ill. After I was better, I rarely rested, like truly rested.  I have only allowed myself one day to rest, but to be honest, I only rested for a couple of hours.  I was always going, going, GOING!  My body finally gave up and said -“ ENOUGH. STOP!” It’s funny how the body will do that, how it will shutdown on its own.  Rest is soo important. In my hectic life, I tend to forget that God CALLS me (and you!) to rest. He even made a WHOLE day for it. If you are stressing out on your REST day, you’re not resting. I really needed the rest, even if it meant not doing what I wanted. There’s opportunity cost for ya ;) 
Also, I am still adjusting to my non-strict schedule . I’m trying to pile up my schedule but to no avail. It’s weird. I am not working. I am so use to working. I’ve been working since I was 13 and I loved it! And if I wasnt working, I was doing school. School and Work. Two things I am not obligated to do. I am not obligated to any strict schedule. And I guess that’s what a vacation is really about! =D

P.S. I sound like Nat-King-Cole. I gotta a really bad cough. Please pray for me. :)

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