September 17, 2011

Sunday at Mu'a

This last Sunday, I was at Mu’a staying at my grand-aunties and grand-uncles house. Their houses are next to each other and in front of the lagoon.

Closer Look 

A typical Tongan Sunday- It’s very quiet. All the stores are closed except the “Fale Ma”  (Bakery). The routine is morning Church Service, a Sunday School, and an Evening Service. (The Sunday school is AFTER church and is just for the kids.)
We woke up late and missed the morning Church service. We decided we’ll explore, get back, and make it in time for Sunday school and Evening service.
We found trees near the water and embraced our monkey-nature by climbing them.

I was waiting for Olivia to fall. Unfortunately, she didn’t.  ;)

Climbed to other side.

I wanted to swim there.

 Explorer Pose

My best friend, Eleanor P, and I have this joke where pose with leaves and ask the deep, philosophical question- “Do these leaves make me look…exotic?”  This shot was for her. J

Left- Mango Tree.  Lute did not want to climb trees with us. 

After exploring, the explorers were hungry. They were blessed with a very traditional Sunday meal- “Umu” (oo-moo). It’s taro, yam, or sweet potato with “Lu”- chicken, beef, or corn beef with onions wrapped in Taro Leaves, wrapped in foil cooked in an underground oven. To be honest, it was the first time I actually enjoyed Lu. Maybe cause I was soooo hungry.
We enjoyed our meal beneath the shade of the huge mango tree in the front yard. Two other girls also ate with us.  We talked and jammed on the guitar and rested.
By now, we had missed Sunday school. We decided we’d give church one last shot- Evening service. 
We took a walk to the Fale Ma for fresh baked bread for an evening tea. 

While we were walking to the Fale Ma, I saw a road leading to the water and took a detour.

 It led us here.
Picturesque much? With the boat and everything. It was quite lovely. 

Sitting on the rocks.

We stayed there and watched the sunset. 

Breath taking

By the time we reached the Fale Ma, it was already dark.  We walked home laughing and joking with one another. Yes, we missed church again. We got home, watched Glee, and slept.
Overall, we had a very Tongan Sunday- quiet, umu, and kai ma. Except the skipping church part. 
That’s not every Tongan. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word Leita, I can't believe the beauty that God has placed in this world and that He has placed you there
