September 16, 2011

a very chill Saturday

Took a walk to Tupou Highschool for Olivia’s Saturday Classes. Met Mala there. While we waited for Olivia’s classes to finish, we took pictures, chatted, and had snacks.

Mala’s quote- as I was standing on the brick fence trying to take a picture- “oh yea Leita, go ahead and climb it cause you know how we own everything” bwahaha.

Mala and I happened to be wearing Converse High Tops.

Afterwards we went to the rugby field.

Oh I have many memories of this place from my childhood. My mom organized the Rugby events and regardless of how I left about it, I had to attend them. I distinctly remember one event when they had a special item for the kids- a race across the field from one rugby post to the other. I lined up along the starting line with about 20 other kids. Ready, set, GO! I ran with all my heart. When I looked to my side to see who I was  outrunning, I saw no one. To my horror, I was the only one still running. The other kids had already reached the other side! The whole stadium erupted in laughter. Turns out that the majority of the kids were 11 to 15. I was 6. Needless to say, I was slowest. Most. Embarrassing. Thing. ever.

These two...

Met Mala again.
She was being such a good girl, cleaning the front yard.

Afterwards, we went to Mu’a.
We (Me, Olivia, and Lute) are staying at my Grand-Uncle’s house for the week. His house is right next to his sister’s (my Grand-Aunty’s) house. The house is right in front of the water. It’s not the ocean, it’s a lagoon. It’s beautiful here. 

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