September 25, 2011


I miss being a Sparky Leader.

This last school year (2009-2011) I was very blessed with an amazing opportunity to be a full-time Sparky Leader. That’s right- I got my very own- Sparky Leader Red Shirt AND an official AWANA name tag holder.

I loved each part of AWANA, Singing/Story Time, Verse Time, and Game Time.

During story time, I  always felt like I had time-traveled back into being a Grey-Shirt. I still remember eagerly anticipating the story Mrs. Wolf was going to share. The same eagerness I had experienced in elementary was the same eagerness I experienced week after week as a high-school graduate.  God , in His miraculous ways, always used story time to teach me a new lesson and crazy enough, the story’s lesson always, always, always related to that week’s struggle, sin, or obstacle. I was like woaaaahhhh God, I am here for the kids and you bless me through it? Noo way! Mrs. Wolf , of course is AMAZING! Her ability to relate the story with enthusiasm, depth and entertaining is a true gift. Thanks to her, I know a lot about historical men and women of God.  

Game time was super fun! I was a team leader- GO RED GO RED GO RED!- and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids were energetic little bunches!  I was able to practice leadership skills. I am an indecisive person and I tend to get nervous about making decisions..usually the big ones. (Just like anyone else). But  being a leader in game time, helped me make a quick decision with confidence. It’s only now I realized that being a game leader was building block for me. I am so happy I was able to spend such precious, fun time with the kids.  Play with them, teaching them team spirit, and encouraging good sportsmanship was a great way to influence their lives in a positive way. I guess my favourite part about game time was  watching their tiny little legs carry em around the circle.  It was always a big highlight in my week.

Verse time- no matter how great game time and story was- my favourite time was Verse Time. And here’s why- It is so precious and touching to me to hear the word of God spoken recited to me by a very young child. It always motivated me to memorize and be in God’s word. Here was a kid reading off these memory verses and I had to be able to do the same. Most of the time, I was holding back tears of Joy as these kids spoke truth into my life.  I was able to share the Gospel with the kids and further their understanding of their faith. Kids, no matter what age, are VERY very smart. It is very wrong to assume a child does not have the ability to process a large amount of information. The children were very bright, sharp, and witty. (Applause to their amazing, hard working, loving parents.) Verse time meant the most to me because it’s where I saw their hearts and mind grasp the Gospel.  I know that it had huge impact on their life and it has left a remarkable footprint in my life.

I sincerely miss helping out in AWANA but God has brought great opportunities while I am here. My aunt suggested that we host a get together party for all the cousins at my grandpa’s house near the beach. It has now turned into a Kids Camp! I am so excited because I’ll get to hang out with all my cousins and share Missionary Stories and Bible stories with them! Seriously looking forward to this weekend! 

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