December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!! Part 1 - BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT!

My favourite Christmas lyrics

To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me
In the hope that what You did
That you were born so I might live
To look back and think that
This baby would one day save me

And the first time that You opened Your eyes
Did You realize that You would be my Savior
And the first breath that left Your lips
Did You know that it would change this world forever

And I, I celebrate the day
That You were born to die
So I could one day pray for You to save my life
-I celebrate the Day by Relient K

Christmas last year.
A whole year has gone by already???

Xmas in New Zealand…pics coming soon.

And just as I was writing this blog, we had to rush to the airport to pick up a “package” from Mom’s friend, “Kina”. She was supposedly flying into New Zealand and had a layover to Tonga and had a present from Mom. Well…there was no “Kina” but there was a present.


being awkward in Auckland ;)
AHHH!!! I AM SOOOO HAPPY!! Yall just have NOOO IDEA!

I love you, Ivan. <3

December 23, 2011

Coconut Obsession Part 2

Coconut Tree Side View,the cut in the coconut tree trunk is used as a grip for climbing, Underneath the Coconut Tree

at Tonga Side School
that's right. the kids just get to look outside and there, the beautiful trees are looking back at them.

Pangaimotu, Tongatapu
I like how even though there are other plants, the coconut trees still tower over em. 

Tatakamotonga, Tongatapu
There's a house in the middle surrounded by coconut trees in a cleared patch of land.
This patch of cleared land is visible from the lagoon and used as a marking spot to get back to land.

Starbucks in New Zealand

(watch video at the end)

I haven’t had Starbucks in four *gasp* FOUR months. 

One of the reasons I was super de duper excited about New Zealand was finally getting Starbucks.

Now before you go into a rant about how I am addicted to coffee, please just hold for a bit.  
It’s not the coffee. I’ve seen many coffee shops around. While I do want the sweet coffee , it’s not the actual coffee itself rather the familiar coffee that  I know so well.

Why did I want to go to Starbucks and not settle for other coffee shops?
I wanted to go into a place I knew. A familiar place. I guess I was looking for a sanctuary. I wanted to hold a coffee cup I knew, drink a drink I knew, and  speak a language  I knew.
I’ve been away from American for a long time now and Starbucks was the closet I could get. I don’t actually want to be back home (not quite yet) but I did want a taste of home. I think deep down, I wanted the comfort of home and that came in a coffee cup…from Starbucks. ;)

As much as I wanted to just have Starbucks-USA style, I was still reminded I was in a different country.

Different, some funny little things about Starbucks in New Zealand.

-Venti Toffee Nut Latte $7.20NZD – why so expensive? I think cause of importing the ingredients?...I think the NZD is equal to the USD right now…and if I am right…than that was the most expensive cup of coffee I have ever paid for. Totally worth it.

-“Do you want cream?” First I was like “uhh..duh…I don’t want black coffee…” then I realized by “cream” he meant “whip cream”.

-The baristas actually talked to me and  we had a real conversation. Weird. They weren’t running around behind the counter like the energizer bunny.

-Even weirder, especially for this time of the year, there wasn’t a line before me or behind me.

-After having their little chitchat with me, did they finally focus on finishing my drink…good thing they were nice and I was patient…or I would’ve gone all Americano ;) on them.

-I think they forgot the whip-cream in my coffee….o well

-I was the ONLY one in the store for about a good 10minutes.

-Wifi was $3 per hour. RIPOFF. (so all of you sitting at a USA Starbucks with unlimited free wifi, be thankful)

-Something was different, the drink wasnt what I remembered…or have my taste buds changed?

Much thanks to my Uncle James for making a trip out to Starbucks for me. After relentless teasing me about it and getting all the boys to join in the “lets tease Leita about Starbucks” fest, then making me really mad by driving by a Starbucks- the FIRST one I’ve seen in FOUR months and then NOT getting me a drink, to finally stopping at one. ( I was so mad at him for not stopping at the first one and when he said he wasn’t stopping at the second one, I just jumped out of the car when he slowed down….boy was I desperate….)
Honestly, my family here does not understand what Starbucks means to me…and they’re too busy teasing me that I cant explain it to them… o well…let the teasing/joke war begin.

Got em to say this on camera. AAAHHHH!!!!! I LOVE THEIR ACCENTS!!! 

now I can have coffee from other coffee shops :)

New Zealand Beanie

cousin's beanie
#RockinIt #newzealand #beanie #nuffsaid

Christmas Jam

It's almost Christmas and I still haven’t got my fill of Christmas music. 
Tonga wasn’t playing much Xmas music while I was there and here in New Zealand, car rides consist of random music OTHER than Christmas music. Lame.

Soo I’ve been taking huge doses of Christmas music from- Michael Buble, Jack Johnson, and believe it or not- Justin Bieber to quench my Christmas music thirst.
Along with KOIT’s (96.5) Christmas mix- THE BEST Christmas Mix - Online. (Thank you Lord for technology!) 

As happy as I am to be in New Zealand for this Christmas, I really do miss home 
and the Christmas-ness there. It’s really not the same here. More on that later.

New Christmas Music Fave Tracks
Mistletoe- Justin Beiber- Imma stop sippin on haterade and hand it to him. Such a good song.  (early symptoms of Beiber Fever)

White Christmas- Michael Buble with Shania Twain – OMYGOODNESS. My favourite country singer with BUBLE?!?!?! Very Happy Leita *big smile*  (Everytime I hear this song, especially the "du du du du dudooo" part, I think of Home Alone and him lip syncing in the mirror. then I impersonate >_< ) 

Drummer Boy ft. Busta Rhymes- Justin Beiber-  the rap- YOU GO JUSTIN. YOU GO.

In the Morning ft. John Cruz and Paula Fuja- Jack Johnson- my man. my jam. And Christmas song? YESS!

Mis Deseos/Feliz Navidad Duet With Thalia - Michael Bubl̩ Рsing to me in a different language Michael

Deck the Halls-Ottmar Liebert- acoustic guitar. because sometimes the voice doesn't matter, the lyrics are overrated, and you just want to hear the song and enjoy the music.

Thank you internet for making my music listening possible. 

 below: the three new albums that are going on my Christmas Music Playlist


December 20, 2011


and my reaction....

and I would like to thank Savannah Shealy ( for posting it on her twitter and facebook.

ps. I feel like it would be totally appropriate if I flew back to New Zealand this time next year to watch the movie here.

pps. Yes, I am in New Zealand.

December 17, 2011

bouquet of flowers

I was super close to getting the new layout right but there's some things I just cant figure out. Even google cant help. *sigh* so I'm asking a friend to help and if he cant do it, he's a web designer, then no-one can.

till then, this blog will have a very boring layout...
It feels like moving into a new house without any furniture and boring plain white walls. It's alright but very plain. soooo I put a bouquet of flowers in the middle of the floor to give it some color.
Here is the bouquet of flowers. Courtesy of the WorldWideWeb Garden. ;)

December 16, 2011


Twitter- Blog currently under construction. HTML? No Problemo...thank God for Google!

I'm messing around with HTML and all that. I'm figuring it out as I go. Bare with me, I'm just trying to make this a little different. I know it was perfectly fine the way before but I want something different. Also, it's a learning experience!
Hopefully will be done by tomorrow. 

If you see anything that I should fix and KNOW how to fix (as in, can give me the HTML for it) please comment below. 
I am thankful for any help I can get! 

ps. this is truly fun. 

from the Bay

I get asked a lot “Where are you from in the States?”

in my head, I'm like  “if you need a hyphy, I take it to duh BAY”
But out loud I say, " California... San Francisco, Bay Area. And when we feelin gangsta we say  Yay Area."
Photo credit- Heather McBirney

Here’s a quick post about the Bay Area.

San Francisco is my favourite city in the world. I haven’t been all around the world but I know this… “ I left my heart in San Francisco”  San Francisco- make your jokes about it being Capital of Gay but it’s a beautiful city, especially on a clear day. Sometimes, I just take the train up and explore.

Favourite things in the City...
-The Golden Gate Bridge... it’s not gold.ssshhh.
-Alcatraz Island
-Bay Bridge- new one is coming soon!
-Treasure Island
-Pier 39...actually just the whole pier.
-Crooked Road
-Ghirardelli Square 
-Union Square
- Trolleys 
-Boudin Sourdough Bakery &Cafe. delicious clam chowder in breadbowl.
-random modern art sculptures all around the city
-street vendors
-street entertainers
If you are ever in San Francisco, let me know. I’ll try my best to give you a personal tour of my favourite city :)

Baseball is kind of a big deal in SF, especially since we won the 2010 World Series! GO SAN FRANSISCO GIANTS!!!
Football- 49ers Football team. They made it to the playoffs =D about time! Go NINERS!!!
No one really cares about the Golden State Warriors (basketball team)…well I sure don’t. GO  LA LAKERS ;)

Yes. The Facebook headquarters is super close to home.
So is Stanford.
So is the Oracle headquarters.
So is the Apple Headquarters.
So is the Google Headquarters.
So is the Intel Headquarters.
So is the whole Silicon Valley...the place that makes the world go round.

and just because I live in California doesn’t mean I live next to movie stars.
and just because Disneyland might be closer to me than you, doesn’t mean I go everyday. LA is actually 6hours away.
and just because I’m a Californian doesn’t mean I’m a pro-surfer.
and just because I’m from America, specifically California, even more the Bay Area- it does NOT, I repeat does NOT mean I am spoiled, loaded with cash, and living the glamourous life. Quite the opposite.
and yes, California tried legalizing marijuana, I’m glad THAT news made it around the world. ÃŸ sarcasm. 

“When the lights go down in the city
And the sun shines on the bay         
Do I wanna be there in my city?”♫♪ – Lights, Journey

Friscooooo, repruh-szent hommieeee. ouuuuttttt

December 12, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday to Me

What did I do on my actual birthday, December 12? Did I go swimming at one of the many beautiful a beaches here? Nope. Have a birthday cake? Nope. Party hard? Nope. Sounds sort of depressing, but honestly it wasn’t. 

I was very productive on my birthday. I got errands done, ate yummy food, and hung out with familia.  

I enjoyed a  yummy pastry- like dessert from Cowleys Bakery with a Starbucks Frappuchino bottle. THANK YOU US MINI MARKET!. I thought of singing happy birthday to myself before eating it, but decided against it. I talked to my mom, brother, and dad. That was cool.

I went to my cousins house and hung out with them and then hung out with my other little cousins across the street. They had a Christmas event going on along with heaps of food provided by the attendees. Pizza, chow mein, fried rice, and a bunch of realllly good food. YESSS! And I was thinking of going out for dinner, but Im really glad I didn’t. I would’ve missed out on all this free, good food!  The best part about being with the family is the younger kids. They are sooo entertaining, so cute, and just say the funniest things. The little boys performed the All Blacks Haka for me. =D

No one really knew it was my birthday and no one made it a big deal and that was really ok with me. I didn’t really want anything big. I had so much that needed to get done, errands became a priority over birthday celebration. The day before my birthday, I wasn’t actually really all that excited. I duno. Maybe because sooo many other cools things have happened. Also, I just got back from Vavau where I had an excitement high for a whole 2weeks... turning a year older didn’t really make the cut for “ohhh super cool”. I was pretty nonchalant about it actually.

I had big plans for my birthday and those plans just up and died. Kappoooot... However, I wasn’t really that disappointed. Actually, I wasn’t disappointed at all. I’m use to things not working out, especially here in Tonga. I played the whole day by ear and I was very happy. I was happy I got to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Being left alone was probably the biggest gift for me.
The only ONE thing I wanted to do was visit  the hospital I was born at- Vaiola Hospital.. ( Vai- is water Ola- don’t know but the word “Vaiola” is a place kind of like purgatory in the old Tongan culture. When one died, they believed they went to a place under the earth. There is a pool in which one must enter into if one desired to return to earth. The pool's name is Vaiola. Vaiola was probably a place for a transformation process from dead to alive. It’s an appropriate name for the hospital. )

After returning from my cousins, I went with my Uncle to the hospital. The hospital is currently under construction and the room was I born in had already been remodeled. While walking around, I tried to think what this place would have been like 19 years ago. Putting together all the stories I’ve heard of my birthday,I imagined my aunts and uncles all around the hospital, waiting for me.  I imagined my mother in pain and my dad crying. Haha. 19years, while still very young considering life expectancy these days, is still a long time to be alive.

“I've lived in 3 decades, 2 centuries & 2 milleniums & I'm not even 20 yet!” – facebook group.

“Age does not determine maturity, life experiences and one’s relationship with God shows one’s maturity.” I hope and pray that God keeps decking out more great experiences for me and molds me more to be like Christ.

Right now I don’t have any particular goals for my 19th year, but I do have new perspectives and insight about life and I am very excited for this year!

I wasn’t sad to have had a very, very, very low key birthday and weirdly, I wasn’t sad that no one was saying Happy birthday to me. Usually, I’m like “let the bells ring and shout it to the neighbors that TODAY is  MY BIRTHDAY.” This year, not so much. Maybe I’m just growing up. I do care about birthdays but this one didn’t seem particularly THAT exciting to me. Just +1 year. I just realized right now that is my last “teen year”. Hmmm. Now, it might be kind of a big deal….

I haven’t celebrated a birthday in Tonga for 12 years! I am happy to have been in Tonga for a birthday and that I went to Vaiola Hospital.

posing as if it was red-carpet backdrop =P behind this glamorous backdrop is the room my mom gave birth to wonderful little me. Thanks to my Uncle Ofa for remembering the location. 

Ps. Last year, I was very, very, very , bummed that I wasnt in Tonga for my 18th birthday. I thought itd be the ultimate thing to celebrate it in Tonga. Well, I was very wrong. My friends took me out in the morning and then I attended an amazing concert by Ragazzi Boys Chorus (my brother’s choir). It was definitely the better deal to have been in the States for my 18th and then 19th in Tonga. God knew that. J He knew where I’d have the most fun and where I’d be most fulfilled. Thanks God. J

December 9, 2011

Coconut Tree Obsession Part 1

Ever since I had an aerial view of the countless coconut trees spread out all over Tonga,  I have had a serious obsession with  coconut trees. My relatives cant comprehend why I would just randomly stop in the middle of street and start taking pictures of coconut trees. I think the trees are just sooo cool, so pretty, and it produces one of my favourite drinks ever! Here are some of the first shots I have taken of the coconut trees. By now, I think I have over 100.

But here are a few good ones. I plan on making them into postcards when I get back  . J

I think the roots are attached. cool eh? 

pretty blue sky in the back and coconut tree. Mae (breadfruit) leaves to the left.

nothing cool about this shot but i like how the two are so close.perfect for a hammock!  

baby coconut tree. 

my favourite shot out of all them!

random status updates

Leave it to Tongans to blast  Indian, French, Spanish music. They have no idea what they’re saying. I find this comical.

- For the first time in 3 weeks, I held a fork and knife, one in each hand. I had almost forgotten how to use it properly.

-  Ron, one of my cousins ( My Grandma’s older Brother’s grandson), I have been meaning to “faeloaki” (translation- meet. Talk. Interact)  with for the past three weeks. I keep hearing his name and Ive seen him a few times but I never know it’s really him till he has walked 100 yards away and then someone will say “Oh that was Ron”.  FAIL. It’s now become a wild goose chase to faeloaki with this guy.

-  I just got back from Vavau. I am now in Tongatapu. I rode the ferry boat Otunaga ofa. SUPER FUN! 

- I really, really, really miss Vavau. I had the time of my life there.

- I want to go back to Vavau.


-  I am already missing Tonga and I haven’t left yet.

-  I only have five more days in Tonga. Time flies.

-  Something bit me on my upper, left arm. It’s now swollen, making it look like I have a huge bicep.  Fake muscles for the win!

- I think I’ve got my fair share of sunshine. I am soooo dark. Haha.

- I drank instant coffee yesterday and I didn’t think “oh this is terrible”. 

- Casino Royale is pretty good movie.

- Sometimes, Tongan culture sometimes gets the best of me and I will sit in silence fuming over culture differences. God has a funny way of making me BE QUIET.

- God has been in complete control of this trip, and even though a BUNCH and I mean a BUNCH of things did NOT go to PLAN, it turned out it was for the better. Thanks God for taking care of me. :)

- It’s Christmas time and it’s warm and I’m not being bombarded by advertisements to buy things. THIS.IS.WEIRD.

- Two more days and I turn 19.

December 7, 2011


taken at Pangaimotu, Tongatapu 

The Footprint poem. I’ve read it many times but I’m always reminded of it when I am in Eleanor’s, my best friend, room.  
If you haven’t read it, it’s really encouraging.

Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord. Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand. Sometimes there were two sets of footprints, other times there was one only.
This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints, so I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you, you would walk with me always. But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there has only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, have you not been there for me?”
The Lord replied, “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child, is when I carried you.”
~ Mary Stevenson, 1936



The quote from Aquamarine. A movie I finally watched here in Tonga.

“Starfish. They give you the best compliments. “


“Starfish may be huge suck ups. But they never lie”

Fonumanu- He snorkeled and found it.

One of my favourite shots in Tonga.
Celia. Isnt she beautiful? The starfish shot and her profile and the background. 

Island girl to the bone.

Me. If I remember correctly, the starfish told me to stay in Tonga. ;) 

December 2, 2011

Phone Conversations

I gotta say- Phone conversations are quite an adventure…well at least with my friends. I mean, you never really know if it’s going to turn into a whole lovefest, cryfest, laughingfest, an awkward- “wow. I don’t have anything else to say so we’re both going to be silent and put our full brainpower into what I was doing while talking to you”…fest.

The other day, I got to talk to one of my best friends ever.

Being away really DOES make the heart grow fonder.

As always- we talked a million miles per hour, imitated people  but failed quite epically and ended the conversation in hysterical fits of laughter. She was in L.A., California, USA at her Grandmas probably sitting on a bed and I was in Ta’anea,Vavau, Tonga,  at my Grandmas laying on an old , rectangular cement well.  (If I had so much moved an inch to the left, I would’ve fallen at good 8 ft and hit the empty cement bottom.) 

It was really cool talking with her because even though we haven’t seen each other in months and  are a gazillion miles apart, we are still close. It also means a lot to me, that while she’s got a whole group of new friends (good job by the way,) we are still super close and still talk. College- you aint go nothing on us. Same to you thousands of miles.

Me N Jess. She’s still friends with me even when I was crazy. 

In our younger days ;)
heres to us staying friends even when I was crazy and you were "calm" and now that you have finally embraced the crazy side , we can SWITCH ( *inside joke alert* “do you want to like- switch?!”) roles.

Mosquito and Insect Repellent

If you ever looked at my twitter during my first few months here in Tonga, you’ll see most of my posts are my never ending complaints about the darn mosquitoes bites. First off, I barely had any insect repellent, so I used the wipes sparingly, but I still got a BUNCH of bites. Second, there is this coil which you light (with a match) and it keeps the mosquitoes away. Except it gives off this repulsive smoke smell and I just cant stand it.  Funny thing is, I use to LOVE the smell when I was a kid. Anyways, I’d still get biten. Third, I don’t feel like wearing socks cause it’s a hundred degrees and my feet would just overeat. So the mosquitoes attacked my legs/feet like juicy piece of meat.

Well, now, thanks to the great crate box that came, my mom oh so thoughtfully packed mosquito wipes. I have been mosquito free for the past 2 weeks or so. =D

That might not seem like a big thing to all of you sitting in your mosquito free home, but it’s kind of a big deal for someone who’s been eaten alive for the past 3 months.

Kayaking Part 2

The water is absolutely calm.  As we paddle, I feel a bit rude disturbing the perfect stillness of the water. We were the only ones out on the lagoon. It was like the whole place belonged to us.

The whole scene surrounding us was breathtaking and I remembered the lyrics “God of wonders, beyond our galaxy. You are holy.”

Also- the lyrics “You spread out the skies. Over empty space.  Said let there be light. And to a formless world Your light was born...what a wonderful Maker. How majestic Your wisdom…how humble Your love. “

When you look at Tonga on a global map, it’s barely visible. When you get an aerial view of Tongatapu, you realize how small the island is as you can see the whole island from end to end. But, when you are smack dab in the middle of the lagoon, you feel little.  You are surrounded by all shades of green, ranging from deep forest green to a hint of lime and even mute green.  Above are layers of clouds- the blanket kind stretching for miles and then marshmallow clouds beneath it. When the clouds part, the sun shoots down powerfully with it’s merciless heat. The birds dot the sky and even underneath the kayak, there is life thriving - fish, starfish, sea weed, sea cucumber crabs, etc…The lagoon in it’s vastness and beauty remind me again and again how great and powerful my God is and how He created all this with just words. I look around and even thought I feel small, I feel  right at home.

We kayaked to this island (well, we thought it was an island at the time. It turned out to be a peninsula)where the king has a vacation house. We saw horses! but I couldn’t get any pictures of them because they were far away and then walkes off.

I saw this cool, leaning palm tree. I was tempted to park the kayak, get out, and climb it. It seemed like the perfect photo op except that I didn’t want to actually get out of the kayak and climb it. Plus, I didn’t want to get wet. Yes, I have become just a tad lazy. ;)

While we were close to the peninsula, we could see this little random patch of land- an island- smack in the middle of the lagoon. Destination number three.

Now, before we left on the kayaks, the owners warned us to be careful while we are close to land as we might get stuck in the sand.. I assured them and Oli (who has never kayaked before) that no such thing will happen. Well, while we were paddling along the peninsula, yup, we got stuck. We had just hit a long patch of sand with only a foot of water keeping us afloat. UGGHHH. Did I mention I did NOT want to get wet? I was not willing to get out the kayak and push it, and I wasn’t get let Oli do it because I wasn’t sure if she would be able to get back on the kayak without tipping us over, so we stuck the paddles into the sand and pushed the kayak aimlessly away while shifting our body weight hoping to get the kayak moving. (Dear children, the previous sentence is a great example of run-on sentence.)We did this for about 10 minutes.
Finally, the sand disappeared and we made into 5feet deep water.  

We paddled toward the island.  A few things that happened while we were making our way there…

-A fishing boat with crazy men passed us, waving HI, and talking about us in Tongan thinking that we were foreigners. Oli and I chuckled at their comments.
-We saw people fishing and gathering  sea cucumber and other sorts of seafood. They were waist deep in the water.
-  A 5 minute drizzle came and went and left our clothes moist.
We finally got there. Olivia named it LeiLutOlz. It’s our names-  Leita Lute Olivia put together . It’s already been named “Mounu” but I want everyone to refer to it as LeitLutOlz. Got it?

Self timer is awesome. J

Oli just having fun. It was beautiful and sunny.

We just had a wonderfuly lovely time on that little island. But  paddling back was such a chore. We didnt realize how far we had kayaked and it took a good 30min of non-stop kayaking for us to get back. Our poor arms were soo tired and we were wiped out. I was dreading the 30min walk back home. 

We said goodbye to the lovely couple and headed toward the main road. RIGHT when we got on the main road, the bus came into view. It was totally God. I have never been so happy in my life to see a bus! We got back and shared our story with our aunties.

Their reaction- "omygoodness. that is so dangerous for you two girls to go by yourselves. you could've drowned. Werent your scared? etc"  oh Tongan women. I was all excited about this adventure and they acted as if I had went into a warzone. Culture clash. 

My granduncle- who I had told before hand what we were doing was totally cool with it and was very happy we had a good time. He's one of the few people who really understand Tongan and Western Culture and is able to relate to me.

Walking around Mu'a. J

ps. there is a video collage of this adventure but it will take a good 17hours to upload here in Tonga. I'll upload it in New Zealand.