December 12, 2011

Happy 19th Birthday to Me

What did I do on my actual birthday, December 12? Did I go swimming at one of the many beautiful a beaches here? Nope. Have a birthday cake? Nope. Party hard? Nope. Sounds sort of depressing, but honestly it wasn’t. 

I was very productive on my birthday. I got errands done, ate yummy food, and hung out with familia.  

I enjoyed a  yummy pastry- like dessert from Cowleys Bakery with a Starbucks Frappuchino bottle. THANK YOU US MINI MARKET!. I thought of singing happy birthday to myself before eating it, but decided against it. I talked to my mom, brother, and dad. That was cool.

I went to my cousins house and hung out with them and then hung out with my other little cousins across the street. They had a Christmas event going on along with heaps of food provided by the attendees. Pizza, chow mein, fried rice, and a bunch of realllly good food. YESSS! And I was thinking of going out for dinner, but Im really glad I didn’t. I would’ve missed out on all this free, good food!  The best part about being with the family is the younger kids. They are sooo entertaining, so cute, and just say the funniest things. The little boys performed the All Blacks Haka for me. =D

No one really knew it was my birthday and no one made it a big deal and that was really ok with me. I didn’t really want anything big. I had so much that needed to get done, errands became a priority over birthday celebration. The day before my birthday, I wasn’t actually really all that excited. I duno. Maybe because sooo many other cools things have happened. Also, I just got back from Vavau where I had an excitement high for a whole 2weeks... turning a year older didn’t really make the cut for “ohhh super cool”. I was pretty nonchalant about it actually.

I had big plans for my birthday and those plans just up and died. Kappoooot... However, I wasn’t really that disappointed. Actually, I wasn’t disappointed at all. I’m use to things not working out, especially here in Tonga. I played the whole day by ear and I was very happy. I was happy I got to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. Being left alone was probably the biggest gift for me.
The only ONE thing I wanted to do was visit  the hospital I was born at- Vaiola Hospital.. ( Vai- is water Ola- don’t know but the word “Vaiola” is a place kind of like purgatory in the old Tongan culture. When one died, they believed they went to a place under the earth. There is a pool in which one must enter into if one desired to return to earth. The pool's name is Vaiola. Vaiola was probably a place for a transformation process from dead to alive. It’s an appropriate name for the hospital. )

After returning from my cousins, I went with my Uncle to the hospital. The hospital is currently under construction and the room was I born in had already been remodeled. While walking around, I tried to think what this place would have been like 19 years ago. Putting together all the stories I’ve heard of my birthday,I imagined my aunts and uncles all around the hospital, waiting for me.  I imagined my mother in pain and my dad crying. Haha. 19years, while still very young considering life expectancy these days, is still a long time to be alive.

“I've lived in 3 decades, 2 centuries & 2 milleniums & I'm not even 20 yet!” – facebook group.

“Age does not determine maturity, life experiences and one’s relationship with God shows one’s maturity.” I hope and pray that God keeps decking out more great experiences for me and molds me more to be like Christ.

Right now I don’t have any particular goals for my 19th year, but I do have new perspectives and insight about life and I am very excited for this year!

I wasn’t sad to have had a very, very, very low key birthday and weirdly, I wasn’t sad that no one was saying Happy birthday to me. Usually, I’m like “let the bells ring and shout it to the neighbors that TODAY is  MY BIRTHDAY.” This year, not so much. Maybe I’m just growing up. I do care about birthdays but this one didn’t seem particularly THAT exciting to me. Just +1 year. I just realized right now that is my last “teen year”. Hmmm. Now, it might be kind of a big deal….

I haven’t celebrated a birthday in Tonga for 12 years! I am happy to have been in Tonga for a birthday and that I went to Vaiola Hospital.

posing as if it was red-carpet backdrop =P behind this glamorous backdrop is the room my mom gave birth to wonderful little me. Thanks to my Uncle Ofa for remembering the location. 

Ps. Last year, I was very, very, very , bummed that I wasnt in Tonga for my 18th birthday. I thought itd be the ultimate thing to celebrate it in Tonga. Well, I was very wrong. My friends took me out in the morning and then I attended an amazing concert by Ragazzi Boys Chorus (my brother’s choir). It was definitely the better deal to have been in the States for my 18th and then 19th in Tonga. God knew that. J He knew where I’d have the most fun and where I’d be most fulfilled. Thanks God. J

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