December 23, 2011

Starbucks in New Zealand

(watch video at the end)

I haven’t had Starbucks in four *gasp* FOUR months. 

One of the reasons I was super de duper excited about New Zealand was finally getting Starbucks.

Now before you go into a rant about how I am addicted to coffee, please just hold for a bit.  
It’s not the coffee. I’ve seen many coffee shops around. While I do want the sweet coffee , it’s not the actual coffee itself rather the familiar coffee that  I know so well.

Why did I want to go to Starbucks and not settle for other coffee shops?
I wanted to go into a place I knew. A familiar place. I guess I was looking for a sanctuary. I wanted to hold a coffee cup I knew, drink a drink I knew, and  speak a language  I knew.
I’ve been away from American for a long time now and Starbucks was the closet I could get. I don’t actually want to be back home (not quite yet) but I did want a taste of home. I think deep down, I wanted the comfort of home and that came in a coffee cup…from Starbucks. ;)

As much as I wanted to just have Starbucks-USA style, I was still reminded I was in a different country.

Different, some funny little things about Starbucks in New Zealand.

-Venti Toffee Nut Latte $7.20NZD – why so expensive? I think cause of importing the ingredients?...I think the NZD is equal to the USD right now…and if I am right…than that was the most expensive cup of coffee I have ever paid for. Totally worth it.

-“Do you want cream?” First I was like “uhh..duh…I don’t want black coffee…” then I realized by “cream” he meant “whip cream”.

-The baristas actually talked to me and  we had a real conversation. Weird. They weren’t running around behind the counter like the energizer bunny.

-Even weirder, especially for this time of the year, there wasn’t a line before me or behind me.

-After having their little chitchat with me, did they finally focus on finishing my drink…good thing they were nice and I was patient…or I would’ve gone all Americano ;) on them.

-I think they forgot the whip-cream in my coffee….o well

-I was the ONLY one in the store for about a good 10minutes.

-Wifi was $3 per hour. RIPOFF. (so all of you sitting at a USA Starbucks with unlimited free wifi, be thankful)

-Something was different, the drink wasnt what I remembered…or have my taste buds changed?

Much thanks to my Uncle James for making a trip out to Starbucks for me. After relentless teasing me about it and getting all the boys to join in the “lets tease Leita about Starbucks” fest, then making me really mad by driving by a Starbucks- the FIRST one I’ve seen in FOUR months and then NOT getting me a drink, to finally stopping at one. ( I was so mad at him for not stopping at the first one and when he said he wasn’t stopping at the second one, I just jumped out of the car when he slowed down….boy was I desperate….)
Honestly, my family here does not understand what Starbucks means to me…and they’re too busy teasing me that I cant explain it to them… o well…let the teasing/joke war begin.

Got em to say this on camera. AAAHHHH!!!!! I LOVE THEIR ACCENTS!!! 

now I can have coffee from other coffee shops :)

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