December 9, 2011

random status updates

Leave it to Tongans to blast  Indian, French, Spanish music. They have no idea what they’re saying. I find this comical.

- For the first time in 3 weeks, I held a fork and knife, one in each hand. I had almost forgotten how to use it properly.

-  Ron, one of my cousins ( My Grandma’s older Brother’s grandson), I have been meaning to “faeloaki” (translation- meet. Talk. Interact)  with for the past three weeks. I keep hearing his name and Ive seen him a few times but I never know it’s really him till he has walked 100 yards away and then someone will say “Oh that was Ron”.  FAIL. It’s now become a wild goose chase to faeloaki with this guy.

-  I just got back from Vavau. I am now in Tongatapu. I rode the ferry boat Otunaga ofa. SUPER FUN! 

- I really, really, really miss Vavau. I had the time of my life there.

- I want to go back to Vavau.


-  I am already missing Tonga and I haven’t left yet.

-  I only have five more days in Tonga. Time flies.

-  Something bit me on my upper, left arm. It’s now swollen, making it look like I have a huge bicep.  Fake muscles for the win!

- I think I’ve got my fair share of sunshine. I am soooo dark. Haha.

- I drank instant coffee yesterday and I didn’t think “oh this is terrible”. 

- Casino Royale is pretty good movie.

- Sometimes, Tongan culture sometimes gets the best of me and I will sit in silence fuming over culture differences. God has a funny way of making me BE QUIET.

- God has been in complete control of this trip, and even though a BUNCH and I mean a BUNCH of things did NOT go to PLAN, it turned out it was for the better. Thanks God for taking care of me. :)

- It’s Christmas time and it’s warm and I’m not being bombarded by advertisements to buy things. THIS.IS.WEIRD.

- Two more days and I turn 19.

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